occasionally allows links to our website from our clients, business partners, only under express written permission from an authorized senior staff member. If you would like to use an logo to link to us, send us a message to request permission. As a courtesy, please let us know when you link to our website.
As we frequently update the information and content of our website, we ask that you occasionally confirm that the link remains accurate and active. You will be responsible for monitoring your link and modifying it if the link breaks or the content is removed or changed.
You may not “frame” our content or employ any other technique that causes the content to appear to be a part of your website or any site or service other than without our permission.
You may create your own text links, provided such links are accurate and are not defamatory, obscene, indecent, libelous, harassing, or otherwise objectionable in the sole discretion of of any right of privacy, or other personal right. reserves the right to require you to discontinue all or any links maintained by you at any time. In such an event, you must immediately remove the link(s) from your website.